Saturday, April 6, 2013

Adams update

Adam has been at rehab for two weeks now and there have been a lot of improvements.
2 weeks ago: needed help to get out of any sitting down position
he needed help get up from a laying down position either by really using the handles on the bed or by someone grabbing his hand.
He needed help to go to the bathroom and regularly used the urinal instead of going to the effort of getting up to use the restroom.
He was very slow and unstable when walking. His knees buckles a few times answered always put the safety belt on him.
He used his forefinger and thumb for everything while his other 3 fingers jitterly followed along.
He could not lift his forearm up like a bicep curl.
His legs hurt regularly like restless leg syndrome and he needed oxy for breakthrough pain most every time.
His nights were good if he slept for 5 or 6 hours. But that had only happened a few times.
We pretty much had constant care plus the nurses and doctors at his disposal to be if you needed something he had someone there.

Now: He gets up from the bed without holding onto anything
He walks a little bit without a walker and when he walks with his walker he is super fast, almost like normal.
His spirits are up
His blood pressure is down
His appetite is up and increasing
He sleeps 7-8 hours if he is not interrupted
His fingers are improving and he is using all of them instead of just the forefinger and thumb.
He can fully adjust himself on the bed and does not normally need help rearranging.

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